At the July 2009 Parish Council meeting it was agreed that the three bus shelters that are in the village can be used as noticeboards – subject to certain rules designed to ensure they do not look scruffy.

1Notices should be posted on the noticeboard INSIDE the shelter, NEVER attached outside
2Non-commercial events or lost/found items only
3Only ONE notice per event
4Notices should be for events only and should be posted for a maximum of 4 weeks only
5Notices to be posted no earlier than four weeks before the event
6Notices will be posted tidily, secured at all four corners
7Drawing pins only should be used to attach the notices, not staples
8Drawing pins must be provided by the notice poster, not “borrowed” from other already placed posters
9Notices must be removed immediately after the event is concluded
110All non-conforming notices will be removed

Please use these noticeboards properly and do not stick posters anywhere else in the village – unless is it is your own property or someone else’s property who has given permission.