The National Trust purchased 24 acres of land located on the left hand side of the Burwell Road as you leave Reach and on the 23rd May 2012 it leased half of the land to the Parish Council for a peppercorn rent so that various community projects could be undertaken.
To download a copy of the lease please click here.
All funding was raised from donations and grants and the area is now self-funding. There is no cost to Reach villagers via the precept.
Facilities available on the 24Acres are:
August 2022
The National Trust is again considering creating a pond or ponds on the land it retains at the 24Acres beyond our woodland. The biodiversity (and amenity) benefits of creating ponds here are good but would be further strengthened if there was a realistic possibility that the ponds would be colonised by Great Crested Newts. The site is potentially attractive to newts but colonisation depends on the presence of populations of newts nearby. It would be really helpful if residents could supply any sightings (or, who knows, eDNA records) of Great Crested Newts in and around the village in recent years. If these are passed to me [Nick Acklam] I will relay them to the Trust.
To identify Great Crested Newts have a look at the Amphibian ID Guide revised 2019 and the CPERC Amphibian Guide.
Nick Acklam