Fly-Tipping is not only unsightly, inconsiderate, dangerous and expensive to clean up, it is also ILLEGAL.
Waste can only be deposited at licensed sites and anyone fly-tipping waste is not only costing us all money as council taxpayers, but they are also committing a serious offence.
Fines are up to £20,000.
If you see an incident of fly-tipping, try to note the following details:
- the date, time and the place where the tipping took place
- what the waste is
- how much there is of it
- a description of any vehicles involved, hopefully including registration numbers
We advise you not to approach anyone you see dumping rubbish but contact ECDC Waste Management on 01353 616093 or email with the information you have.
If you come across any fly-tipped waste within the village please also contact ECDC Waste Management and they will arrange for it to be cleared up. There is a new Clean Neighbourhood Enforcement Officer now in place called Mark Mehaffey and he can be contacted on 01353 665555.
If you see anything suspicious, try and get as much information as possible, especially any vehicle registration and then REPORT IT to Waste Services on 01353 616221.
No-one needs to resort to dumping rubbish in the countryside. If you have additional household items you want to get rid of, then contact the Council on 01353 665555. The charge for this service is £20 for up to 3 items or £20 each for a fridge/freezer.
For further information on fly-tipping please click on this link.
Reach is a beautiful village and as a community we must do everything we can to keep it that way.